It’s Finally Here!

It’s finally here:  2020 Election Day.  We are entering an unprecedented week, one which is stirring up restless thoughts and rollercoaster emotions.  Most everyone I know – myself included – is looking forward to looking back on this!

There are many ways to approach election week, and more than ever, I am grateful for the guiding principles we share through Unity and the New Thought Movement.  By being mindful and vigilant in the tendency of our thinking, we have the capability to choose the higher ground of love, despite provocative appearances to the contrary.

“Pray Love” is not just a nice platitude.  The mystical teacher, Joel Goldsmith, wrote, “Love not a sentimental attachment, love is a law; love is a mode of conduct, an attitude.  Love does not come to us.  Love is within ourselves…something that we let flow out from us…. Love is the ability of the Christ in me to recognize and bear witness to the Christ in you.”

On the brink of Election Day 2020, I offer you the following prayer by Rev. Andriette Earl, founding spiritual leader of Heart & Soul Center of Light in Oakland, California:


I pray for our U.S. government that it honor and reflect our nation’s diversity, be high-functioning and committed to justice and inclusive outcomes toward a world that works for EVERYONE.

I pray for all Congress that they work in harmony toward the highest and best for ALL Americans.

I pray for the president of our country to embrace and engage the whole, perfect and complete nature of each and every person, organization and country.

I pray for my fellow U. S. citizens that we live in peace and harmony, that we honor and experience each other through love and inclusion with compassion and in acceptance of our diversity.

I pray for ALL people everywhere that we live in peace and harmony, recognizing our oneness, that we may live in unity as diverse members of our amazing human race.

I PRAY LOVE with Liberty and Justice for all,” and in the words of Dr. Cornel West, “may we never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.”

And so it is.  Amen

From my heart to yours,

Mary Beth Speer

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