Guidelines for
Spiritual & Physical Renewal
- Pray without ceasing
- When you first awake, before you sleep, and as often as you think of it throughout the day, turn your thoughts away from outer circumstances and toward God. Give thanks for the presence of Divine Life, Love, and Wisdom in this and every moment.
- Use your thoughts and spoken words to deny fear and to affirm faith. Try working with these ideas for a few days:
- (DENIAL) – Nothing and no one can stand between me and my highest good.
- (AFFIRMATION) – Divine Life flows freely through me now, cleansing and renewing every cell in my body.
- Meditate daily
- Sickness lives in our bodies when we are out of alignment with our Spirit. Worry, stress and conflict lower our body’s energy and separate us in consciousness from God’s guidance, love and well-being. Purposely make time every day to raise your energy by raising your thoughts to Spirit. Here are some simple steps you might follow in meditation:
- Sit alone in a quiet, comfortable place
- Take 3 deep breaths
- Scan through your body from head to toe, consciously relaxing and sending love along the way
- Turn your thoughts toward your heart and imagine the peaceful presence of God/Spirit/Love there
- Imagine that Presence expanding beyond your being and out into the room, your town, this country and around the world
- See this loving Presence saturating all humanity with Divine Life and Light, Peace and Wisdom
- Picture the world returning to health, restoring connection, and finding a newly born understanding of our oneness with Spirit and each other.
- Sickness lives in our bodies when we are out of alignment with our Spirit. Worry, stress and conflict lower our body’s energy and separate us in consciousness from God’s guidance, love and well-being. Purposely make time every day to raise your energy by raising your thoughts to Spirit. Here are some simple steps you might follow in meditation:
- Study and stay connected to spiritual support
- Continue to listen, watch, or read uplifting spiritual material
- Sign up for the Daily Word at (you can even get an app for your phone)
- See our list of resources below for ways to be inspired and connected virtually
- Ask for help
- If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your outer circumstances, ask for help. Email our prayer chaplains at
- Contact Silent Unity’s 24/7 phone line for prayer or visit their website at
- Reach out to a friend and ask them to visit with you over the phone
- If you need help finding physical resources, call Rev. Kitty at 630-499-9968 or email
- Support others
- Check in with friends, family, neighbors, elders in your community to be sure they have all they need
- Make wellness calls to offer support, encouragement, prayer or just a listening ear
- Stay positive when you connect with others…remember there is only one Source of good, the everywhere present spirit of God, and God is always and abundantly providing. If you’ve attended Unity for any length of time, you know the power of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Inspire others by speaking words focused on God/Good.
- Stay in community
- Though physical connection to others may be limited, Unity is still offering ways to be in communion with one another. Keep plugging in through the many resources listed below. And if you have ideas, email
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God is a Love that has no end and a Power that knows no bounds. God’s healing power of Divine Life is restoring, healing, and revitalizing our world in this very moment. We let go of any fears or anxieties, and we affirm that all are safe, healthy, and protected. We bless all those who support us in maintaining vibrant radiant health. We express Divine Life in all we think, say, and do. We bless our global family with radiant health, peace of mind, and abundant love. So it is, and now we allow it to be. Amen!