Infinite Invisible Supply

My long career in the environmental field was originally based upon my own fascination, when in high school, with the inter-relatedness of things.  It amazed me, the interdependence and synergies of all things on this Earth.  One type of plant growing in the right climate can supply the right type of nutrients to the soil to support certain types of bugs and bacteria, which in turn can provide nourishment to small creatures, which feed big creatures, which feed bigger creatures, which feed humans, who are able to fertilize the soil with nutrients.  But if there is not enough potassium, perhaps, in that soil to support that plant, then that plant cannot grow healthily, and the whole chain of relationships down the line can change.  But adaptations will happen and life will go on in one form or another.

Rev. Kitty’s new sermon series on “Supply and Demand” really resonates for me.  In her first talk about “Supply,” she described the substance of the universe as infinite. She quoted Charles Fillmore:  “Substance cannot be seen, touched, tasted or smelled, yet it is more substantial than matter, for it is the only substantiality in the universe.”  I see God-substance (or energy) supporting the matter that exists in the ecosystems of our planet.  That single plant has its own means of attracting energy to meet its needs.  It is unlimited what the universe can bring when you understand the “great secret” that our thoughts attract in kind, and can become things. We have but to imagine in order to draw energy to that thought, and bring it into matter.  Albert Einstein once said “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” 

Enjoy your week, and may all your imaginings be positive ones!

Beth Schwartz, Unity Board President

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