I Can’t Wait!

I can’t wait!

July 1 is the launch date. Can I have a drum roll, please?

From Kim-Char’s 12 month song writing workshops every month in 2019, focusing on creating a song on one of Unity’s 12 powers in each of the monthly workshops. We signed up, many of us, myself included, with no experience. I for one didn’t know what to expect. So, I walked into MPAKT headquarters on that cold November night, and sat at a table covered with butcher paper, with markers ready to create. Kim-Char asked us questions, and we were encouraged to write whatever came to mind. Many words and ideas came out of those markers, with 4 of us creating a colorful array of words and phrases, putting our creative juices to the task at hand. Song #11 was created and the 4 of us were very proud.

Besides the songs, Kim-Char put out a plea for us Unity Peeps to provide artwork and written work based on the 12 Powers. My Power for my colored pencil drawing was Power. The original plan was to make a CD of the 12Powers songs, a book with the artwork and written work. With all the submissions, not every submission could go in the book, so there was to be a website where all submissions would be. All for Unity in Naperville. And then…..Covid happened.

Bigger and better happened…..12Powersclub.com was born. And it has gone out to all Unity communities. And there are managers outside of Unity in Naperville. And it is a fundraiser for UIN, and for other Unitys.

Have you checked out 12powersclub.com. Have you signed up? If the answer is No, there is incentive to sign up soon—until June 16, the early bird discount let’s you in for a mere $60. And half of that goes to UIN, or if you have your own Unity church you want to support, they get the same deal. $75 starting June 17.

I can’t wait, can you?

Melinda Buehring
Board Member

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