“How We Align” – Gina Donaldson

“I have no love of my own. My love is my attunement with the cosmic flow, which is centered in the heart of the universe. It is not love that is the greatest need in our lives, but loving, giving way to this cosmic flow of love. It’s not the need of being loved by people so that people can give us this commodity.  Love is to touch the deep spring of our own nature, turn our own lights on, and be love.”
– Eric Butterworth | Practical Metaphysics

I’ve been enjoying  Reverend  Kitty’s  “Call for H.E.L.P. “ series these past few weeks. She is helping me to understand that the states I seek- Health, Enlightenment, Love, Prosperity-are energetic vibrational currents that exist in our cosmos- they are the Living Presence of God. We tend to get in our own way, or allow other unaligned beings or states to get in our way of this ever- present Consciousness by focusing on the absence of what we want and thus aligning to absence rather than fullness or wholeness.

Many of our brothers and sisters refer to this kind of thinking as hogwash or Pollyanna or airy fairy thinking. In my family and social circle, I am often thought of as “out there.” I recently spoke to a distant cousin about our Unity beliefs and she said to me “I am so glad I can talk woo-woo to my cousin.”  She too was ostracized within her family.  

It seems there is extreme polarity on so many issues –the pandemic and how to be safe, political dissension, racial discord, civil protests, climate concerns, etc. Does the world seem more unaligned than ever to you? Are people more tribal and protective of their positions? Where is all this unrest coming from?

I have no answers except to sit and be still and try to align to Love and all that is good in my mind. Perhaps if enough of us do that instead of stirring the pot we can get the peace, love, health, wisdom, prosperity we desire. May our lights turn on!

– Gina Donaldson
Board Member

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