Healing Light

Kitty spoke of healing this past Sunday.  From this comes my version of shining divine Light on the darkness created by illness.  Whenever I experience a physical ailment, some sort of less than optimal functioning of my otherwise whole and perfect body, my first inclination is to seek resolution of the physical symptoms.  This sort of triage is all well and good to alleviate any physical distress and maintain my quality of life (or life itself) in this human form. 

Yet, I have come to know that genuine healing comes from knowing the truth about what led to the condition in the 1st place.  Enduring healing comes with the discovery of what mental cause led to the physical disfunction.   This way, I can shift the limited belief that led to the situation to begin with and alleviate the atmosphere that led to it and could bring it about again.

How do we discover what the limited belief is that is making us ill?  First, affirming each our own physical perfection as divine creations, still one with the perfection from which we came, aligns us with that divine energy.   As we affirm wholeness, we stir the “pot” of subconscious beliefs that shape our physical experience.  Then we pay attention, as the process reveals whatever denies the affirmation, the negativity has been lurking.  This is how we learn the truth of our own subconscious causal beliefs.  This for me is the effect of Light in bringing about long-term well-being.

As for the alleviation of the physical condition, we have seen how the Fillmores experienced spontaneous (however long it may have taken) healing.  Any one of us can do the same.  Yet healing occurs differently for different people.  For some, it may come in the form of divine helping hands as God working through men and women whose brilliant ideas and capabilities aid in the process.  We have many of these in the fields of science that surround us.

Bottom line is that affirmative prayer heals.  Practice, practice, practice!!!!

– Jeff Benoit
Board Member

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