Healing is Just Remembering Who I Am

Following Rev. Kitty’s talks on being a Faithkeeper was both moving and inspirational. These are troubled times in our world and being a Faithkeeper means to me someone who is shining their light of love and truth into the world. The value of being a Faithkeeper in a troubled world is that while others are being angry, despondent, sad, hopeless and violent; we are given an opportunity to turn to the Truth of our being and find calm, wisdom, peace, faith and grace. We are adding much more to the healing of the planet coming from this place of Truth then from the carnal minds response to the worlds woes.

Rev. Kitty today talked specifically about healing today and Myrtle Fillmore.

I have countless books in my home library and as I looked through them to find just the right quote I realize that it isn’t just in a pithy turn of phrase that we find the wisdom of Myrtle Fillmore it is in the application of a way of life.

I did find a quote however that relates her process well and I bring it here to you:

“No one who has awakened spiritually and is seeing his threefold being in the light of Truth speaks of disease as something of itself. He does not think for a moment that the mind is fixed in old race beliefs of errors, or that his body is unresponsive to Spirit. He ceases to think even of the name the doctors gave to the condition. He casts out and forgets their assumption that this condition could not be changed and done away with utterly; just as you would refuse to hold and to think of some unworthy or untrue thing you might hear spoken as you walked down the street.

Then he begins at once to rejoice that he is an offspring of God. He declares that the Life and the Substance of his body are the perfect pattern of that life and body which are the gifts of God. These gifts are in reality inseparably one with God’s own Being, the very essence of God-Life, God-Substance, and God-Intelligence. It is God’s plan to have the creation express His own ideas, Qualities, and being. Man’s work is to become conscious of and to express in his life the true pattern and qualities of God.”

In celebration of all Gods gifts ~ keeping the faith ~ Carol Gadbaw

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