I’ve been thinking about Easter lately. Not because I necessarily wanted to, but because someone dear to me is focused on it and it has gotten me to thinking. I was raised in a traditional Protestant church and social structure and Easter and the holidays preceding it were part of the “High Holy Days” of the faith. In our particular denomination we didn’t spend much time talking about Lent, but I did learn about Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and of course the biggest egg of them all, Easter Sunday. We were secular enough that we had the Easter Rabbit, the colored eggs, the Easter baskets, and lots of candy. We also got all dressed up for church on Easter Sunday, which often included new clothes for my two older brothers and hand-me-downs for me. And my little sister, being the only girl, got a frilly new dress, patent leather shoes and a floppy hat. And, being a serious non-girly-girl, she hated it all. But I loved all the fashion and trappings of the holiday. I also enjoyed the sunrise service and the pancake breakfast we always had after.
These are wonderful childhood memories, but the holiday never had any meaningful spiritual significance for me. And honestly, from a biblical standpoint, it still doesn’t. But I do love spring and I do love the concept of waking up, rising up and engaging in a focal point of renewal. This was my fourth winter up here in Illinois and it was the harshest so far. Me and my Atlanta born and bred Beagles wondered what we had gotten ourselves into when the temperature dipped 20 degrees below zero. But when the wind began to blow and the “feels like” temperature plummeted to minus 60, we seriously started to look for flights out of here!
But spring always comes. The weather warms up, the sun shines and my two little Confederate soldiers stretch out on the deck and bask in the glory of spring. And I am basking in the glory of knowing that every single day is the first day of spring because I know we are not slaves to the past or need have any fear for the future. Life loves us. So let us love it back, love each other and enjoy this wonderful season. Happy Easter!
Gordon Herzog
Board Member