Outrageous joy. I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately.
Our mission in this experience is not to strive for forward (or upward!) mobility, but to wake up and realize that we have been shown the way to enjoy outrageous joy. All of the things that our ego naturally strives for – status, success, money, and all the trappings that go with that stuff – don’t deliver on their promise. They promise peace of mind but in my own experience I ended up feeling anxious, protective and fearful. Not a lot of joy in that. But when we put outrageous joy first, the rest of “that stuff” takes care of itself. And infinite Universe provides infinitely. No striving required.
On Sunday we enjoyed our annual White Stone Ceremony. I had the weird experience of feeling kind of blank and empty when I thought about my new name. A single word to define myself and the upcoming year? It was frustrating not to have clarity. Reverend Kitty told me today that more than 75 words were on the scroll pinned up in the front room.
Mine wasn’t there. But this I know.
The word will come and when it does I know it will define not only the tasks at hand or the year ahead, but a theme for the path to outrageous and eternal joy. For now my stone is safe and sound in my front pocket!
Happy New Year everyone!
Gordon Herzog, Board Member