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I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately. I’m a pop music lover and U2 recently released a song called “Love is Bigger Than Anything In Its Way.” Thank God, because that song finally replaced the Taylor Swift earworm that was making me a little crazy! I recently read this by Abraham Hicks, and together she and U2 helped me remember that Love and Appreciation go so well together. “I’m going to begin my day by meditating and bringing myself into alignment with my Source Energy. And as I move through the day, I’m going to look for opportunities to appreciate, so that all day long I’ll bring myself back into Source Energy. If there’s an opportunity to praise, I’m going to praise; if there’s an opportunity to criticize, I’m going to keep my mouth shut and try to meditate. If I feel like criticizing, I’ll say, ‘Here kitty, kitty,’ and I’ll pet my cat till that feeling goes away.” Now, there are no real kitty’s at my house, but I do know that it is absolutely impossible to be critical or angry when you are petting a loving Beagle. And I know that the bedrock foundation of Source Energy is Love. And Love really is bigger and more powerful than ANYTHING in its way. Have a wonderful week filled with Love and Appreciation!
Gordon Herzog
Advisory Board Member
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