Gina Donaldson – With Faith and Love God’s Power is Revealed

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Gina Donaldson

As usual, I really loved Reverend Kitty’s message this past Sunday. I particularly loved her final slide-it depicted an older, bent over woman casting an image of a vibrant, young woman with the text “With Faith and Love God’s power is revealed.”

I’m reminded that we often identify with the physical aspects of the woman –tired, bent over, slow. But we can choose to reflect back to our selves and our world our true nature: a vibrant, joyful faith-filled and loving spirit. And we can choose to see all our brothers and sisters the same way.

This week may we remember to see that vibrant, healthy, whole, joyful, faithful and loving spirit in ourselves and each other!  And if we find that difficult, then we may benefit from turning inward to prayer, affirmation, and meditation to remember our true Source.

Thank you Reverend Kitty for reminding us of who we are.

Gina Donaldson, Board of Trustees

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