I am really enjoying Reverend Kitty’s “How to Think About God” message series. She gives such useful, practical and easy-to-implement tools to quickly align to God.
This week she focused on overcoming anxiety. Even the word anxiety makes me anxious. I feel the pit in my stomach and the knot in my throat, my chest feels tight and my body and insides contract and feel heavy. I often wonder why our brain is geared to be negative. Why are 80 percent of our 60,000 thoughts negative and repetitive? Could it be that our brain is wired to be negative so that we will choose to draw closer to God and our higher self? If we were wired positive and had 48,000 (80%) of our 60,000 thoughts consistently positive, we wouldn’t benefit from the spiritual work of transformation and unity with God, life would already be a blissful nirvana without any work or understanding of non-bliss. Our contrast always yields the welcome intensity of humbleness, appreciation and gratitude.
I remember when I was young; I had a lot of anxiety. I may have even had an anxiety disorder. I definitely believe I had a propensity toward anxiety and pessimism, and I believe my parents, my siblings and my son do as well. As I matured and developed mentally and spiritually, I learned how to conquer most of my anxiety so that it was more manageable.
God is so good. His plan is designed so perfectly. I feel like we are like the trees—they lean into the sun and grow cheerfully and are given everything they need. When we lean into God, our positive co-humans, and the bright light within, we too grow joyfully, and our ego can rest and be tamed.
Thank you Reverend Kitty for all the powerful tools you give us each week to help wire us to God, our Higher Self and others.
Gina Donaldson, Board of Trustees