Gratitude. Appreciation. A warm feeling of deep thankfulness. A high positive frequency that syncs with other high positive frequencies. A causative energy that transforms obstacles. Wow! Why aren’t we tuning into this magical frequency more often?
Do you know people who seem to be in a constant state of gratitude? They are always thanking God in small and large blessings. They consistently see the rainbow, not the rain. And in turn their life reflects back to them grand and great material, psychological and social substance.
It’s not always easy to express gratitude. It’s a wonder that sometimes I miss the opportunity to experience gratitude simply because I fail to notice the blessing—the sunshine, the fragrance of flowers, a child’s laugh or because my focus is elsewhere.
This week I will reach for more gratitude, and to help me remember to do so, I’ve decided to contemplate the four science lessons Reverend Kitty shared with us.
I will remember that I can change my state with a song, and as I can sync to the highest vibrations in the room, my positive thoughts and words will manifest a beautiful countenance and my gratitude will optimize in the intricate beautiful pattern of Life in the midst.
Gratefully, Gina Donaldson Unity Board member