Gina Donaldson – Just for Today

Don’t you just love coming to church? I was gone for six weeks and although I watched the live-stream and was grateful for it, I am so glad to be back and to soak in the energy of our glorious haven where we can soar to new heights in our imagination. 

The last few weeks Reverend Kitty has tuned us into Kindness, Love and Respect. In my imagination I see a world overflowing with these qualities. But I look inside and I sense a disturbing deficiency. I have two main challenges in my life when it comes to these behaviors – a family member and a coworker. 

At our brown bag lunch after church, we continued our discussion. Why is it so hard to be kind, to love and respect those whom we don’t feel deserve it? Is respect relative to qualities and behavior we deem worthy of respect? Does it need to be earned or is every human worthy of respect just by virtue of being a spirit/human?  

Just for today I choose to see my fellow human beings, including that coworker and family member, in their highest spiritual self and give them the love, respect and kindness they deserve. And the next day and the next I pray I will choose the same. I yearn for a soft and giving heart, free from judgment, embracing each unique perspective and interpretation. I yearn to see all the beauty of humanity just as Spirit does.  

Thank you Reverend Kitty and fellow Unity peeps for helping me to see with Spirit’s eyes.  

Gina Donaldson, Board Member

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