There’s an old hymn by Lucille Olson that says…

Our thoughts are prayers, and we are always praying. Our thoughts are prayers, take charge of what you’re saying. Seek a higher consciousness, a state of peacefulness and know that God is always there…and every thought becomes a prayer.
Lucille Olson
I believe what Lucille is saying is that the Universal Law is always listening to our thoughts. When those thoughts are held long enough in mind, they produce feelings and beliefs of like-kind. We are now engaging with the Law of Mind Action and have the potential to manifest those thoughts into something tangible in life. That’s how I would explain Unity’s 3rd Principle. However, in the song, Lucille says that “we are always praying”…and that’s where I’d like to offer another point of view. If you heard my message on Sunday, you know I spoke on the 4th Principle regarding prayer. To me, prayer is not just thinking, but thinking consciously. And more than that, thinking consciously about God.
If our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are always creating our life experience, then let’s use Prayer to choose thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about God…so that what we create is divine in nature. As Lucille says… ”take charge of what you’re saying…seek a higher consciousness…know that God is always there.” When you’re feeling ill, rather than thinking only of the symptoms, choose higher thoughts…think about God’s presence of life, strength, power, and renewal. When you’re faced with an apparent shortage, rather than thinking of the worst-case scenario, choose thoughts of God’s instant, constant, and abundant flow of divine substance. When you’re in conflict with someone, rather than telling others how badly that person treated you, consciously focus your thoughts on God’s harmonizing power of love and affirm that It is working all things together for the highest good of everyone involved. Yes, we are always creating our life with our thoughts, feelings and beliefs. But let’s remember to do it consciously. Seek a higher consciousness, affirm God’s good is always there…that’s when our thoughts become a prayer.
Rev. Kitty