Divine Timing

Divine timing is a wonderful thing. This tidbit in Eric Butterworth’s book “Celebrate Yourself!”, crossed my path after a week that was far less productive than I would have preferred:

We live in an age of speed and accomplishment. We go more places and do more things in less time than seems imaginable… But we have come to the critical stage where we must decide whether the machines and high technology we have created are going to master us, or whether we are going to master them and keep ourselves in tune with the rhythm of the universe. 

I have come to the conclusion that whenever I feel I have so much to do that it seems impossible to accomplish it all, this is the very time to pause and take a break. To go forward at this point and in this consciousness is not only unwise but dangerous. Whenever we are late, we are out of attunement. Hurry and rush will not reestablish this attunement any more than racing your engine will get your car into gear when it has slipped into neutral. The need is to pause. Get the thought of hurry and its related fear out of the mind.

“In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength” (Isa. 30:15)

Eric Butterworth’s book “Celebrate Yourself!”

Reverend Kitty mentioned this same idea in Sunday’s sermon regarding the benefits of meditation. That’s what I left off my to-do list! God first, Breathe, THEN get in “go gear”. By the way, the book is a collection of essays, copyright 1984. He wrote about that “speed” nearly 40 years ago. The speed has certainly not slowed, and the advice is still good.

Susan Snowden, Board Member

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