Now that December has brought us the first snow of the season, it really feels like the Christmas. Yes, a White Christmas! Although the holidays can bring mixed emotions depending on our past experiences, my experience has always been one of love, laughter, family and friends gathering together and, of course, eating and eating and eating way too much (Polish) food—but it’s So Good!!!
During my up-bringing I was taught the traditional Christmas story of Jesus, Our Savior, being born in a manger. I always marveled at how Mary and Joseph were so trusting of God and where he was leading them in their lives. Then there were the three Wise Men and the Shepherds all of whom also “trusted” in what they had heard and where they were being led. What an absolute Faith all these people had! I am in awe on how they trusted their “inner voice” their “intuition” and the wonderful discoveries they all made by doing so.
Having been a member of our Unity church for several years, I have become aware of the fact that there can be more to the Christmas story than what I was taught; that it is filled with metaphysical meanings I never knew were possible. From what I now understand, Everything, yes, Everything about Jesus’ birth is symbolic and metaphysical.
Here are just a few metaphysical meanings I have learned so far:
Mary represents the divine feminine, the earth plane, i.e., Mother Earth! In religious art, Mary is frequently portrayed with a powder blue field which represents the earth chakra or energy field.
The gifts of the three Wise Men represent the physical, emotional and soul bodies of our physical selves. Gold represents the physical body, Frankincense the emotional body and myrrh the soul body.
Although I had thought that December 25 may not have been the actual day Jesus was born, I found it very interesting to discover that Jesus’ actual birth date is believed to have been in the last week of May which makes him a Gemini, which represents being present in two worlds at the same time, human and spiritual. Or could I say, “A spiritual being having a human experience in our physical world.” Rev. Kitty, did I get that right?
If you, like me, would like to know more about the Metaphysics of Christmas join Rev. Kitty on Tuesday, December 13, at 7 p.m. or Wednesday, December 14, at 10 a.m. at Unity in Naperville. This is an opportunity to explore the biblical story of Christmas from a metaphysical point of view. Come and see how the characters and events surrounding the birth of Jesus tell a story of your own life too. What a wonderful way to open your heart to a whole new meaning behind Christmas!
See you there!
Peace & Blessings,
Diane Pitterle
Unity Board Member