As I anticipate Spring approaching, (it’s only 8 days away!) I am excited about many upcoming events: Warm Weather, Eyes in Disguise Mardi Gras, Family Birthdays and Weddings, and, of course, my favorite, Bicycling!!! As I watch my calendar fill with wonderful outdoor activities with family and friends, I continuously remind myself to stop for a moment each day. Sometimes it’s just for a minute and sometimes it’s for an extended period of time.
In this time of Inner Peace, I pause to let go of all stress (even if it’s good stress!) and to invite Spirit to fill my heart. As I relax into this time of peace and stillness, I feel the ever-presence of Spirit within me and all around me. In this quiet time I become more in tune with the sounds around me…the ticking of the clock, the sounds of the birds …
My thoughts regarding the busyness of the day begin to fade. I feel my heartbeat slow to a constant, steady, peaceful rhythm. How wonderful it feels to connect with Spirit and to be reminded that all is good, all is well. Spirit is always here guiding me every step of the way.
As I close my time of Inner Peace, I give thanks for all the blessings in my life… My wonderful husband, my family and friends, my church community, my health and prosperity and for the countless ways I am blessed each and every day.
It always amazes me how this moment of Inner Peace totally rejuvenates my body, mind and spirit. I return to my day refreshed and renewed and with great expectation of all the good that awaits me!
Peace & Blessings – Diane Pitterle, Unity Board Member