Diane Pitterle – Guidance

Diane Pitterle

Over the years I have kept many Daily Word articles and other Unity literature pieces.  One of my favorites is called “Guidance.”  Unfortunately, I do not know who originally wrote this article so to whomever that is, I give you thanks for your wonderful insight into the word “Guidance.”  Enjoy!

Diane Pitterle, Unity Board Member

When you look at the word GUIDANCE, 
notice the word “dance” at the end of the it.Remember that cooperating with divine direction 
is a lot like dancing.When two people try to lead, nothing feels right.
The movement doesn’t flow with the music,
and everything feels uncomfortable and jerky.When one person relaxes and lets the other lead,
then both bodies begin to flow with the music.

One gives gentle cues, 
perhaps with a nudge to the back,
or by pressing lightly in one direction or another.

It’s as if two bodies become one, 
moving together beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness, 
and attentiveness from one person, 
with gentle, skillful guidance from the other.

Now look at the word GUIDANCE again.

Notice that it starts with a “G,” 
which could represent GOD, 
followed by “U and “I.”

“GOD,” “U” and “I,” “DANCE.” 

God, you and I dance.

That’s how divine guidance works.
It’s like dancing with God.

Are you willing to let divine guidance 
direct your life?

Are you willing to let divine guidance lead your life?

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