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The Daily Word from Friday, June 29, was Abundance. Many times when we think of Abundance we relate it to “financial” abundance, yet there is so much more to Abundance!
I loved how the writer brought out several descriptions of abundance all around me that I never really looked at as Abundance. These were water, air, the earth’s constantly renewing resources and the ever-expanding universe. How obvious yet how easy to not see these as Abundance since most of them I take for granted since they are always here!
They also noted Divine Mind and its ability to generate infinite ideas as Abundance. Wow! Infinite ideas, that’s amazing! However, I first must do my part to avail myself of all these wonderful infinite ideas waiting for me. That means time in the Silence to truly listen to what Divine Mind is telling me. I’ve found that time in the Silence doesn’t always have to be a long meditation, that it can just be sitting in a moment of gratitude for all the blessings in my life. The more often I take these quick moments of silence and tune into Divine Mind, the more often I hear the infinite ideas waiting for me. Yes, the world truly is a place of endless abundance!
May this be your most abundant week ever and may you notice, in those quick moments of silence, your abundance which is always waiting for you!
Peace & Blessings,
Diane Pitterle
Unity Board Member
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