Connection, Grief, Healing & Plugging Back In

Hello dear Unity friends!  It was so great to be back with you this past Sunday. This time away has allowed me to catch my breath after an overwhelming last few years. I enjoyed a couple of times of personal retreats that refreshed my spirit, allowing me to look back over the recent past and explore some lessons learned. I also had the chance to look forward and listen to what was tugging on my heart.  I had the opportunity, too, to sit down with the new CEO of Unity Worldwide Ministries and also the VP of Education at Unity Village and share some suggestions I’ve been thinking about for how headquarters can support field ministries. They were very open-minded and our conversations inspired me to continue heading in that direction. I’ll be sharing more details with the Board soon and we’ll be taking a day away in October to see how it all may fit in our strategic plan.

Also, as you know, I lost my mom at the beginning of this year and I found that I’d been holding my breath so to speak since then.  I didn’t dare let myself grieve for fear I’d be overcome and unable to keep up with my work. If you know me you’re probably smiling now…that sounds like Kitty…trying to schedule her grief.  Well, I can’t say I’m through the process, but I did feel the freedom to let my heart go where it wanted. And anyone who’s lost a parent, spouse, or child can relate to the experience as a process that takes its own sweet time. I had a chance to work with my siblings on emptying out my parents’ home to ready it for sale. In the end, it looks like my oldest brother my be buying it and will keep it in the family. I know Mom and Dad would like that.

As I plug back into the daily life of Unity in Naperville, I just want you to know how grateful I am to have you for a family. This ministry has never felt like “work” to me. And yes, my humanity can struggle with pacing myself and allowing time for rest (as I imagine many of you can relate to). But my spirit finds great joy in walking this spiritual path with you and I’m looking forward to more days ahead as we grow together in love and wisdom. Maybe you’d like to join me this Wednesday night for a gentle “re-entry” as we gather on our front patio for a peaceful meditation.

With much love and gratitude.

Rev. Kitty

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