Cindy Blank – You Are an Answer to a Call

My talented wife Kim wrote a song, Answer to a Call, for an ad campaign used by a college in Hawaii. It was great seeing the commercial come on and hearing her beautiful voice sing out those words. I chose to use the title of that song today in hopes that it speaks directly to you.

Have you been impressed by the quick conversion from in-person, onsite church happenings to all- electronic offerings? We are super fortunate we can broadcast our one-of-a-kind Sunday service with Rev. Kitty and Kim-Char. Not only did our tech guru answer the call, but so have many of you impassioned leaders of social groups, classes, prayer calls and book clubs, to name a few. I encourage all of you to partake in as many of the fantastic online opportunities as you can to connect with your Unity peeps.

This upcoming Sunday, April 19, had been the scheduled date of our Annual Meeting, when we would share Unity business matters and elect new board members. All of this has been postponed due to the unique times we are living in right now. We do plan to hold the meeting shortly after we open our building doors again. Unusual times call for unusual acts. When the Stay in Place was put into practice, all of us on the board agreed our terms would continue until we could hold new elections. There are five of us are leaving this year. Five!

These amazing times we live in have afforded us the opportunity to recognize essential workers for all they do, such as healthcare workers – some of whom are members of our own Unity in Naperville community. Thank you!!!!

For the sake of argument, I think board members could be considered essential workers for the continuing growth of Unity in Naperville. We need people who care about UIN to step forward. No one could have told me four years ago that I would become a board member. It was nowhere on my radar, but I am very glad I did it! I feel like I had a chance to contribute, as well as become more invested in my Unity, while having fun doing it. I urge you to read this and not skip to the next paragraph without at least contemplating this opportunity to serve. Maybe it was not on your radar or you have served on the board in the past, or you do not think you have anything to offer. But if Kitty has taught us anything, it is we all have that spark of the Source within us, and it feels good to share it with one another. You are all so appreciated.

I love Unity in Naperville. If you do, too, please consider being an Answer to A Call.

To find out more about being on the board, just ask me at!

Cindy Blank, Board Member

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