This week, Rev. Kitty continued her message on the Palace of Nowhere (Now Here!), and several things really struck a chord. I know she tells us that she repeats the same messages over and over again, but that is because it takes repetition for certain ideas to sink in. I cannot pinpoint how long it took for me to even start to reframe some negative thoughts, or negative observations, into positive ones, but it was years after my first attendance at Unity. I keep coming because I want to keep hearing the messages about how to walk a positive path for spiritual living. I need reminders. And, I need to practice.
I loved Kitty’s question, “What is your chronic downfall?” One of mine is sometimes letting opportunities slip away by not taking action, or being a bit reluctant to act. I’m working on that, and am lucky that I choose to be around people who exemplify behavior that I desire for myself. That’s a start.
The real heart of the matter is the idea that I have to COMMIT to what I desire. I have to consciously create a strong spiritual foundation or my subconscious will take over. Just when I really feel a desire, the old song in my head rears up, which is an old refrain of “Why bother?”
I mean, am I the only one who ever gets tired of hearing those same old refrains? I have had the desire to write new words to my songs for a while, but now I have to commit to taking action. As Ellen Debenport (The Five Principles) said, “Taking time to remember our divine connection and reaffirm our intentions is as necessary to humans as food and sleep.”
Kitty gave us the instruments to write our new song:
1) Silence (this will help me identify my desire)
2) Thoughts, words, imagination (train myself to rephrase the negative into a positive)
3) Appreciation (feel the appreciative energy coursing through my being)
And tonight, I will review the emotions of the day and if there were any negative ones, I will rewrite it as the song I would prefer to hear.
Cindy Blank, Board Member