Cindy Blank – No Boundaries

Kitty talked about creating healthy boundaries this week, but SURPRISE!  I am not going to write about that.  I am instead going to give a shout out to the Creageous Writers group that just celebrated its one-year anniversary!

When we started this group, I don’t think anyone really had any idea just how Unity it was going to become.  For those who have not yet visited us, the simple structure consists of a single word given as a prompt and then a  timer is set and folks write whatever they want.  Usually, the word is part of the writing, but sometimes it is just an inspiration for what comes out.  We do other things besides single word prompts, but that is the norm.

What has astounded me is the sheer lack of boundaries we have experienced together.  Don’t get me wrong, there is tons of respect between us, along with positive feedback and encouragement (Unity Power-  Love!).  Some of us use the opportunity to use our imagination (Unity Power –  Imagination!) to create fictional little stories unto themselves.  Members have said that some of these could be short stories or a chapter in a longer book or a children’s book with illustrations.  It is so fun! (Unity Power – Zeal!)

Sometimes though, what is shared is deeply autobiographical and personal.  It is not unusual to have laughter and tears in one session, sometimes from the same piece of writing.  And it is in that sharing where all boundaries disappear between our thoughts and feelings.  We expose ourselves, writing the truth as we see it.  It may seem that revealing those vulnerabilities to one another would be scary, but it is received with such heartfelt openness, that we always end up feeling better for it. (Unity Power – Release!) Our connection is what makes this group so special.  (Unity Power – Understanding!)

Well, lookie there, I guess I did write on boundaries, after all.  I invite you to check us out and trust what happens (Unity Power – Faith!)

Cindy Blank, Board Secretary

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