Cindy Blank – New Thought Sunday

dc986a9e 57fe 443a a91b 0eb67974646fKitty’s talk this week was an introduction to the basic differences between New Thought and Traditional Christianity (for the purpose of her message, she specifically referenced fundamentalist Christianity).  No small task, especially when she pointed out there were 34,000 different sects of Christianity!

For me, there was so much in this message that resonated and just so much…SO MUCH!  As an example, when she showed the slide graphing out the founders of Transcendentalism and New Thought and the various organizations springing forth from these origins, a collective, audible gasp could be heard in the sanctuary.  It was a lot to take in, but it was also fascinating.  As is Kitty’s nature, she gave us something we could remember out of all of this information.

Separation             vs.       Oneness
Original Sin            vs.      Each Are Divine
Delayed Reward   vs.       Heaven on Earth

ONENESS:  I like the idea of Oneness, with the Divine, the Source, the Good, the God – with All.  I feel it every Sunday with all of you and I try to take it with me for the rest of the week.

EACH ARE DIVINE: I prefer to believe we are each Divine and built for Goodness, and just have to keep ourselves open enough to tap into it whenever we need to.  I feel it every Sunday and I strive for it always.

HEAVEN ON EARTH: I want to be alive with the spirit of the Divine now and not delay the giving and receiving of love.  By celebrating the notion that we are all One and we are all Good, I hope we can experience all of the possibilities Love can birth, right here on earth, right now.  And not just on Sundays.

So, thank you, Rev. Kitty for this New Thought Sunday.  Now it is up to me to have New Thought Monday, New Thought Tuesday, New Thought Wednesday, New Thought Thursday, New Thought Friday and New Thought Saturday.

See you all next New Thought Sunday!!!!

Cindy Blank
Board Member

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