Rev. Kitty had a great message this week about choices. It is very, very easy to fall into the human habit of giving in to temptation. Personally, I think it’s okay to sometimes have that hot fudge sundae instead of a salad, but I know I cannot choose that every day. First of all, I would eventually get tired of hot fudge sundaes, which I never, ever want to happen. Secondly, and more importantly, I would not be taking care of this human body to ensure I have a long and healthy life.
Why do we do it? Is it like that thing we always fall back into when something irks us or scares us? Sometimes, we go to the behavior that feels comfortable, like a well-worn glove, even though it may not be in our best interest.
This is, for me, all about creating more positive habits and practicing the “stopping and thinking” before the “reacting.” Unity has taught me to be more reflective of my effect on others, especially my words. I have improved over the years, though I can still revert into my own version of those Snickers commercials: I would probably be Dorothy from the Golden Girls, while I should be Rose! (Anyone under 40 can look this show up.)
As we recited our affirmations, I thought of our upcoming Showcase and Gallery participants. I am only speaking for myself, but I have a feeling others can relate to the fact that when we first heard about this event, we were excited and began thinking about what creative endeavor we could contribute. AND THEN THY EGO SPOKE! Over the last couple of weeks, doubts and negative self-talk took hold. I am not good enough. They will expect only the best and I don’t know if that’s me. They will find out I am limited.
But I am happy to say, several people have listened to their own, “GET THEE BEHIND ME, EGO!” They’re stretching themselves and exposing their creative vulnerability. They have made the choice to grow, and share a part of themselves with us. We will surround them with love and support! And perhaps, right now, you can have that talk with yourself and choose to still participate by going to https://unityinnaperville.org/yourhealingjourney/
Betty White
aka Cindy Blank
Board Member