Buttons, Buttons, Who Has Buttons?

We all carry baggage – suitcases full of childhood traumas real and perceived. When one persons trauma bumps into another persons trauma a mini explosion happens…”Boom!” Sudden anger, hostility and unkind words can fill the room and no one even fully understands what happened or where it came from!

It isn’t all that unusual to find ourselves in a situation when all of a sudden we are finding ourselves reacting with way too much energy
to someones words or actions that just trigger that short fuse. Our job in these times is to try to pause, take a step back and try to see where inside of us these feelings are coming from? With a little space and a few deep breaths we can then come back with a more normal reaction.  Later, when we are alone, we can review what happened and try to trace back where the heck those feelings originated.

“Your triggers have something to teach you about yourself.”  ~Panache Desai

  “Our job is unconditional love. The job of everyone else in our life is to push our buttons.” ~ Byron Katie

It almost made me a little nervous to write this e-blurb because I know all too well how life goes.  I could be writing this article and feeling pretty good about myself, that it has been quite awhile since I had my buttons pushed.  Yes… I’m doing pretty good with that.

We all know what happens next, right? I’m going to go to work and be serenely going about my day… and then all of a sudden..wham there it is! Button pushed! Emotions engaged! All systems go!

Well, at least when it comes and that happens I am lucky enough to come to Unity in Naperville where we get tools for our tool kits for times like that!!   Keeping my serenity tool real close!!

Yours in Peace!  Carol Gadbaw

January 25, 2025
  • ENERGY OF SPIRIT - SAT JAN 25 at 10-11am
    We will start off the class with the Daily Energy Routine and you will learn techniques to boost your inner and outer immune systems. Advance registration is requested but not required. Email Admin@UnityinNaperville.org or sign up in the Cafe. Suggested love offering $10-20.  Donate at UnityInNaperville.org or at the door.  Questions?  Email Admin@UnityInNaperville.org.

    Every Blessing, Cindy Spies RN MSN Clinical Energy Healing Practitioner

January 26, 2025

    The Unity Women's Group's very first service project is to adopt our local elementary school.  Longwood Elementary (K-5) is an Title 1, economically disadvantaged school serving a minority population. Their current need is for resupplying the classrooms with the items listed below.   We will be collecting the supplies between now and February 2.  Contact Kelly Minehart or email admin@unityinnaperville.org.

    Supplies needed are:

    • Boxes of tissues
    • Sanitizing wipes
    • Crayons
    • Markers
    • 2 Pocket folders


    The one type of plastic that is impossible to responsibly recycle in your curbside pick up is Styrofoam! It’s definitely not earth-friendly and takes years to decompose in the environment.  We’ll be collecting your Styrofoam here at Unity and taking it to a local manufacturer that can reprocess it into other products, like picture frames and crown molding. Please start saving your Styrofoam now! If you’re not sure if it qualifies, look for the #6 on the packaging. And if it’s been in contact with food, please wash thoroughly. No foam insulation or packing peanuts. We will be accepting it at Unity on January 19, 26 and February 2.

    Will you help us drop off styrofoam sometime during the week of February 2nd (date/time flexible) at Dart Container Corp located at 310 Evergreen Dr in North Aurora?  For questions or if you’d like to help deliver Styrofoam for recycling, email admin@UnityInNaperville.org.

  • SUNDAY SERVICE - EVERY SUNDAY at 10:45-11:45am
    Join Rev. Kitty Benson, Kim-Char Meredith and our band, Highest Good, for an IN-PERSON SERVICE or continue to watch us ONLINE as we LIVESTREAM from our Sanctuary!  Watch the livestream online beginning at 10:45 a.m. on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page or on our website UnityInNaperville.org.  Our Sunday Services include live and uplifting music, followed by Rev. Kitty's inspiring message and peaceful meditation.

    Please remember, Unity is a breathe-easy zone. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne while in our building to help us support those in need in our Unity Community.

  • LET’S GO TO LUNCH - LAST SUN of THE MONTH after church - AT Patelli's Gyros & Beef

    Let's get together after the service for lunch and socialization.  This will be a monthly event on the last Sunday of each month.  Location may vary but we will do this monthly, so you can plan ahead. Let's get to know each other better.  

    We’ll eat at Patelli's Gyros & Beef, 572 Weston Ridge Dr, Naperville, IL 60563 for our lunch out!  If you have suggestions on where to eat or questions, email admin@unityinnaperville.org.  See you there!  

January 27, 2025

    To access the zoom call, click here

    MMM is reading: SHORTCUT TO A MIRACLE – How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life, by Michael Rann and Elizabeth Rann Arrott

    Shortcut to a Miracle penned by two of Chicagoland’s own paragon New Thought ministers, Rev. Elizabeth Rann Arrott and Rev. Michael Rann. Shortcut to a Miracle delves into the intersection of science and spirituality in a remarkably clear and practical approach, exploring the connection of the science of Mind and Spirit with the breakthrough discoveries in the field of quantum physics. This book study is perfect for everyone, whether new to New Thought or long-time students alike.

    Book endorsements include:

    Amazingly clear in explaining profound principles.  There is no other book like it… a fascinating and highly practical book that provides a scientific foundation for Affirmative Prayer based on quantum physics….”  Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes, Unity Spiritual Leader

    “Deep down, the consciousness of mankind is one… and if we don’t see this it’s because we are blinding ourselves to it.”  David Bohm, Eminent Theoretical Scientist in Quantum Physics

    Apply what this book teaches and find the Greatness in you!” Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Click the Amazon link at UnityInNaperville.org to find the book and Amazon will donate to Unity.

    Monday Morning Metaphysics is a casual drop-in study/discussion group that meets on Zoom each Monday from 10:30 am – 12 Noon CT and is open to all.  Facilitated by Rev. Dr Mary Beth Speer.  Every Monday morning is stand-alone, so drop in any time!  Our MMM format is to read books verbatim, so participants don’t need their own copy of the book to participate.  Participants are encouraged to designate Love Offerings to their selected spiritual source.  

    Join Zoom Meeting:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251930920

    Meeting ID: 852 5193 0920

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,85251930920# US (Chicago)

    +13017158592,,85251930920# US (Washington DC)

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kj97wKkk5

January 31, 2025
    Join Unity friends for an entertaining and thought-provoking movie, The Wild Robotwritten and directed by three-time Oscar® nominee Chris Sanders — the writer-director of How to Train Your Dragon, The Croods and Lilo & Stitch.  We start with time to gather your popcorn, movie candy and a drink and chat.  Then at 7pm, the movie! 

    The Wild Robot is a powerful story about the discovery of self, a thrilling examination of the bridge between technology and nature and a moving exploration of what it means to be alive and connected to all living things. The epic adventure follows the journey of a robot — ROZZUM unit 7134, “Roz” for short — that is shipwrecked on an uninhabited island and must learn to adapt to the harsh surroundings, gradually building relationships with the animals on the island and becoming the adoptive parent of an orphaned gosling. Click here for the trailer.  Run time 1 hr 42 mins.

     Questions email admin@unityinnaperville.org. Love Offering will be received at the door.

February 2, 2025

    The Unity Women's Group's very first service project is to adopt our local elementary school.  Longwood Elementary (K-5) is an Title 1, economically disadvantaged school serving a minority population. Their current need is for resupplying the classrooms with the items listed below.   We will be collecting the supplies between now and February 2.  Contact Kelly Minehart or email admin@unityinnaperville.org.

    Supplies needed are:

    • Boxes of tissues
    • Sanitizing wipes
    • Crayons
    • Markers
    • 2 Pocket folders


    The one type of plastic that is impossible to responsibly recycle in your curbside pick up is Styrofoam! It’s definitely not earth-friendly and takes years to decompose in the environment.  We’ll be collecting your Styrofoam here at Unity and taking it to a local manufacturer that can reprocess it into other products, like picture frames and crown molding. Please start saving your Styrofoam now! If you’re not sure if it qualifies, look for the #6 on the packaging. And if it’s been in contact with food, please wash thoroughly. No foam insulation or packing peanuts. We will be accepting it at Unity on January 19, 26 and February 2.

    Will you help us drop off styrofoam sometime during the week of February 2nd (date/time flexible) at Dart Container Corp located at 310 Evergreen Dr in North Aurora?  For questions or if you’d like to help deliver Styrofoam for recycling, email admin@UnityInNaperville.org.

  • SUNDAY SERVICE - EVERY SUNDAY at 10:45-11:45am
    Join Rev. Kitty Benson, Kim-Char Meredith and our band, Highest Good, for an IN-PERSON SERVICE or continue to watch us ONLINE as we LIVESTREAM from our Sanctuary!  Watch the livestream online beginning at 10:45 a.m. on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page or on our website UnityInNaperville.org.  Our Sunday Services include live and uplifting music, followed by Rev. Kitty's inspiring message and peaceful meditation.

    Please remember, Unity is a breathe-easy zone. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne while in our building to help us support those in need in our Unity Community.

February 3, 2025

    To access the zoom call, click here

    MMM is reading: SHORTCUT TO A MIRACLE – How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life, by Michael Rann and Elizabeth Rann Arrott

    Shortcut to a Miracle penned by two of Chicagoland’s own paragon New Thought ministers, Rev. Elizabeth Rann Arrott and Rev. Michael Rann. Shortcut to a Miracle delves into the intersection of science and spirituality in a remarkably clear and practical approach, exploring the connection of the science of Mind and Spirit with the breakthrough discoveries in the field of quantum physics. This book study is perfect for everyone, whether new to New Thought or long-time students alike.

    Book endorsements include:

    Amazingly clear in explaining profound principles.  There is no other book like it… a fascinating and highly practical book that provides a scientific foundation for Affirmative Prayer based on quantum physics….”  Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes, Unity Spiritual Leader

    “Deep down, the consciousness of mankind is one… and if we don’t see this it’s because we are blinding ourselves to it.”  David Bohm, Eminent Theoretical Scientist in Quantum Physics

    Apply what this book teaches and find the Greatness in you!” Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Click the Amazon link at UnityInNaperville.org to find the book and Amazon will donate to Unity.

    Monday Morning Metaphysics is a casual drop-in study/discussion group that meets on Zoom each Monday from 10:30 am – 12 Noon CT and is open to all.  Facilitated by Rev. Dr Mary Beth Speer.  Every Monday morning is stand-alone, so drop in any time!  Our MMM format is to read books verbatim, so participants don’t need their own copy of the book to participate.  Participants are encouraged to designate Love Offerings to their selected spiritual source.  

    Join Zoom Meeting:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251930920

    Meeting ID: 852 5193 0920

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,85251930920# US (Chicago)

    +13017158592,,85251930920# US (Washington DC)

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kj97wKkk5


    Many of us have had the experience of losing someone dear to us. Yet no two people experience it in the same way. However, most would say that it helps to have someone support you as you journey through the process, and that’s what our Grief Support Group is for. Rev. Kitty will lead us as we take time for personal sharing and inspiration.  

    To access the Zoom room, click here.  Trouble getting in? Call or text 630-499-9968. See you there!

February 4, 2025
    Please join us for our next Women's Group meeting as we continue to organize and plan.  We are off to an amazing start!  If you missed the first meeting, no worries, send an email to Susan and she can send you the meeting minutes to catch you up.  Our first service project is underway, and so are plans for our first big event in April.  Email Susan at srittenh@gmail.com.  The meeting will occur via Zoom this month. Most meetings will be in-person.

    ZOOM LINK:  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9906630747

February 6, 2025
    Interested in helping plan events?  Join us at 6pm on Zoom.
    ZOOM LINK:   Check back later!

February 7, 2025

    Balderdash is a hilarious party game where players bluff and guess the definitions of obscure words or phrases. It's a perfect game for groups who enjoy a good laugh.

    Balderdash Game Night will be held at Unity in Naperville, 1600-C Shore Rd, Naperville, IL 60563.  Please bring snacks to share and a $2 entry fee is asked to fund the prize pot, so please bring cash. Sign up in the Cafe or email admin@unityinnaperville.org.

February 8, 2025
  • ENERGY OF SPIRIT - SAT FEB 8 at 10-11am

    We will start off the class with the Daily Energy Routine. To honor the month we celebrate our Hearts, you will learn techniques to support heart health and blood pressure. Advance registration is requested but not required. Email Admin@UnityinNaperville.org or sign up in the Cafe. Suggested love offering $10-20.  Donate at UnityInNaperville.org or at the door.  Questions?  Email Admin@UnityInNaperville.org.

    Every Blessing, Cindy Spies RN MSN Clinical Energy Healing Practitioner

February 9, 2025
  • SUNDAY SERVICE - EVERY SUNDAY at 10:45-11:45am
    Join Rev. Kitty Benson, Kim-Char Meredith and our band, Highest Good, for an IN-PERSON SERVICE or continue to watch us ONLINE as we LIVESTREAM from our Sanctuary!  Watch the livestream online beginning at 10:45 a.m. on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page or on our website UnityInNaperville.org.  Our Sunday Services include live and uplifting music, followed by Rev. Kitty's inspiring message and peaceful meditation.

    Please remember, Unity is a breathe-easy zone. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne while in our building to help us support those in need in our Unity Community.


    access the Zoom room, click here.

    In the last three years, Unity’s Online Congregation has really grown. And we want to give our online attendees the chance to feel connected with our Leadership Team and other friends in our online community. Since you can’t hang out in person in Unity’s Front Room, we’re creating a virtual space to gather after the Service and we’re calling it the “Back Room.” Join Rev. Kitty and friends in this special Zoom room to meet and greet, talk about the Service, and let us know how we can better support you online. There’s no set agenda, but a moderator will keep things lively, so come to share, make friends, or just to listen in for a half hour or so. 

    To access the Zoom room, click here.  Trouble getting into the Back Room? Call or text 630-499-9968. See you there!

February 10, 2025

    To access the zoom call, click here

    MMM is reading: SHORTCUT TO A MIRACLE – How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life, by Michael Rann and Elizabeth Rann Arrott

    Shortcut to a Miracle penned by two of Chicagoland’s own paragon New Thought ministers, Rev. Elizabeth Rann Arrott and Rev. Michael Rann. Shortcut to a Miracle delves into the intersection of science and spirituality in a remarkably clear and practical approach, exploring the connection of the science of Mind and Spirit with the breakthrough discoveries in the field of quantum physics. This book study is perfect for everyone, whether new to New Thought or long-time students alike.

    Book endorsements include:

    Amazingly clear in explaining profound principles.  There is no other book like it… a fascinating and highly practical book that provides a scientific foundation for Affirmative Prayer based on quantum physics….”  Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes, Unity Spiritual Leader

    “Deep down, the consciousness of mankind is one… and if we don’t see this it’s because we are blinding ourselves to it.”  David Bohm, Eminent Theoretical Scientist in Quantum Physics

    Apply what this book teaches and find the Greatness in you!” Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Click the Amazon link at UnityInNaperville.org to find the book and Amazon will donate to Unity.

    Monday Morning Metaphysics is a casual drop-in study/discussion group that meets on Zoom each Monday from 10:30 am – 12 Noon CT and is open to all.  Facilitated by Rev. Dr Mary Beth Speer.  Every Monday morning is stand-alone, so drop in any time!  Our MMM format is to read books verbatim, so participants don’t need their own copy of the book to participate.  Participants are encouraged to designate Love Offerings to their selected spiritual source.  

    Join Zoom Meeting:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251930920

    Meeting ID: 852 5193 0920

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,85251930920# US (Chicago)

    +13017158592,,85251930920# US (Washington DC)

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kj97wKkk5

February 14, 2025
  • SHORE ROAD OPEN MIC NIGHT - FRI FEB 14 at 7pm, Doors & Sign-up open at 6:30p

    Experience the magic of community and creativity at The Shore Road Open Mic Night! Join us on Friday, February 14, from 7 to 9 PM, with doors opening and Sign-up starting at 6:30 PM. Whether you’re a singer-songwriter, flutist, a master of spoken word, a spoon-playing sensation, or have another unique talent to share, we welcome you to take the stage. This is a family-friendly event, so bring your friends and loved ones to share in an evening where all forms of expression are celebrated. A modest cover charge of $5 is requested from performers and attendees alike, with each act given up to 8 minutes to shine. If you sign-up as a performer, you are encouraged to stay for the entire program, engage with each performance, and be a part of creating a warm, supportive atmosphere for all. If you have a GROUP OR BAND that wants to perform, please email Kim-Char to confirm we have the sound system to support you. Likewise, if you are a vocalist wanting to sing to an accompaniment track, please email Kim-Char and we’ll provide further details on file requirements.

    Being a remarkable audience member is essential to fostering a positive environment for performers, especially those who might be venturing onto the stage for the first time. Here are a few tips to ensure everyone has a great experience: always know who’s next in line by paying attention to the sign-up list; respect and follow the event rules to ensure smooth transitions between acts; encourage others by clapping, laughing, and staying engaged throughout their performance; and be especially supportive of first-timers, making them feel welcome and appreciated. By being an attentive, encouraging audience member, you contribute to the nurturing atmosphere that makes The Shore Road Open Mic Night a uniquely uplifting event. Let’s come together to celebrate the wealth of talent that surrounds us and enjoy an evening filled with inspiration, camaraderie, and fun.

February 16, 2025
  • SUNDAY SERVICE - EVERY SUNDAY at 10:45-11:45am
    Join Rev. Kitty Benson, Kim-Char Meredith and our band, Highest Good, for an IN-PERSON SERVICE or continue to watch us ONLINE as we LIVESTREAM from our Sanctuary!  Watch the livestream online beginning at 10:45 a.m. on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page or on our website UnityInNaperville.org.  Our Sunday Services include live and uplifting music, followed by Rev. Kitty's inspiring message and peaceful meditation.

    Please remember, Unity is a breathe-easy zone. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne while in our building to help us support those in need in our Unity Community.

    Starting Sunday, Jan 19, join us after service every 3rd Sunday for Unity's Food for Thought, a monthly gathering in our Community Café. Enjoy a complimentary lunch and dive into conversation sparked by what was shared in the service that morning. Bonus: we’ll be recording these discussions for a new podcast series! Shout-out to Candy Crawford, who is hosting the conversation and podcast. Come for the food, stay for the fellowship, and chew on some tasty Truth. See you there! Questions? Please email Kim-Char

February 17, 2025

    To access the zoom call, click here

    MMM is reading: SHORTCUT TO A MIRACLE – How to Change Your Consciousness and Transform Your Life, by Michael Rann and Elizabeth Rann Arrott

    Shortcut to a Miracle penned by two of Chicagoland’s own paragon New Thought ministers, Rev. Elizabeth Rann Arrott and Rev. Michael Rann. Shortcut to a Miracle delves into the intersection of science and spirituality in a remarkably clear and practical approach, exploring the connection of the science of Mind and Spirit with the breakthrough discoveries in the field of quantum physics. This book study is perfect for everyone, whether new to New Thought or long-time students alike.

    Book endorsements include:

    Amazingly clear in explaining profound principles.  There is no other book like it… a fascinating and highly practical book that provides a scientific foundation for Affirmative Prayer based on quantum physics….”  Rev. Dr. Temple Hayes, Unity Spiritual Leader

    “Deep down, the consciousness of mankind is one… and if we don’t see this it’s because we are blinding ourselves to it.”  David Bohm, Eminent Theoretical Scientist in Quantum Physics

    Apply what this book teaches and find the Greatness in you!” Dr. Deepak Chopra

    Click the Amazon link at UnityInNaperville.org to find the book and Amazon will donate to Unity.

    Monday Morning Metaphysics is a casual drop-in study/discussion group that meets on Zoom each Monday from 10:30 am – 12 Noon CT and is open to all.  Facilitated by Rev. Dr Mary Beth Speer.  Every Monday morning is stand-alone, so drop in any time!  Our MMM format is to read books verbatim, so participants don’t need their own copy of the book to participate.  Participants are encouraged to designate Love Offerings to their selected spiritual source.  

    Join Zoom Meeting:   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85251930920

    Meeting ID: 852 5193 0920

    One tap mobile

    +13126266799,,85251930920# US (Chicago)

    +13017158592,,85251930920# US (Washington DC)

    Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kj97wKkk5

February 23, 2025
  • SUNDAY SERVICE - EVERY SUNDAY at 10:45-11:45am
    Join Rev. Kitty Benson, Kim-Char Meredith and our band, Highest Good, for an IN-PERSON SERVICE or continue to watch us ONLINE as we LIVESTREAM from our Sanctuary!  Watch the livestream online beginning at 10:45 a.m. on our YouTube channel, our Facebook page or on our website UnityInNaperville.org.  Our Sunday Services include live and uplifting music, followed by Rev. Kitty's inspiring message and peaceful meditation.

    Please remember, Unity is a breathe-easy zone. Please refrain from wearing perfume or cologne while in our building to help us support those in need in our Unity Community.


    Let's get together after the service for lunch and socialization.  This will be a monthly event on the last Sunday of each month.  Location may vary but we will do this monthly, so you can plan ahead. Let's get to know each other better.  

    We’ll eat at Pomegranate Cafe, 55 S Commons Dr, Aurora, IL 60504 for our lunch out!  If you have suggestions on where to eat or questions, email admin@unityinnaperville.org.  See you there!  

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Kitty Benson

Notice from Rev. Kitty

AN UPDATE FROM REV. KITTY November 18, 2024 Hi Beloved Friends… If you attended the Sunday Service on Nov 17 you saw that although I


The Shore Road Experience

Friday, December 137p – 9p (Doors and Sign-up open at 6:30p) Experience the magic of community and creativity at The Shore Road Open Mic Night!