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It was a long, and VERY hot weekend, wasn’t it? It was also a very full weekend at my house, with a lot of catch-up yardwork, home fix-up tasks, a banquet Saturday night, tons of Unity activity on Sunday, plus honoring the father’s in our family. It was one of those weekends where you can’t wait to go back to work on Monday so you have a chance to sit down!
This evening I stepped out onto my backyard deck in search of some silence to contemplate what to write to you about. As I sat with closed eyes, I felt the relief of the cooler, drier air finally wafting in. I heard at least a half a dozen kinds of birds busily voicing their relief as well. The buzz of a fly and of a hummingbird getting an evening snack at my feeder. The rustle of leaves and a distant bark of a dog. And then it hit me that this was all so lovely and such a gift, that this is what I needed to share with you this week!
Summer has kicked into its steady rhythm, even though it is officially still a few days away. Unity’s summer is well under way, with a host of fantastic speakers, concerts and workshops. After a successful showing in Aurora’s Pride Parade yesterday, we are excited for Kim-Char and Chelley Seibert’s service on the 24th, reaching out with a message of “Your Heart is Safe Here.” We look forward to the remainder of our summer program. At the same time, your Unity Board is already looking beyond, to Kitty’s return, to another change of season, and we are coming up with great things in store for the fall!
Beth Schwartz
Unity Board President
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