A Life That’s Divine

On Sunday, Rev. Kitty gave us this affirmation, “I am a spiritual being having a human experience with the power to create a life that’s divine.”  She then broke it down and discussed the parts. I wanted to focus on the first parts, but I kept getting pulled back to “…a life that’s divine.” And then another part of my brain said, “nope, too big. Go back to that earlier part, or even the create part, we can do that”.

I just could not let it go. I had just finished the Oprah Super Soul podcast with Sister Joan Chister. Sister Joan said “Contemplation comes down to seeing the world as God sees the world…” and talked about how we should be living our lives conscious as well. I am also reading Imelda Octavia Shanklin’s –  What are you? “The you of today begets the you of tomorrow. To improve the product, the you of today must transcend the you of yesterday… Eternal consciousness of life operates in the now…You feel that life has to do with time. But you are wrong. Experience has to do with time. Life has to do with eternity.”

Once again, an idea is coming at me from multiple sources. It still feels too big, but here I am. The only way to do this is “now”. In the now moment, I can be conscious. Pay attention to that current thought. And yes, the to-do list will still be hammering at my mind’s door. If I picture that Emerson quote about “open on one side … to the attributes of God” I can open that door and get help with those to-do items. Let them go into the vastness of Divine Mind. I cannot ignore my future planning, but it needs to center on transcending the person I am today, becoming more and living a life that’s divine.

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