15 Years

15 YEARS!! Can it really be? From an idea in Kitty’s head so many years ago, to the confirmation she received as she was contemplating whether she should do it or not – as she saw a car with a license plate that said “GO KITTY” – and the rest is history. I for one, am so grateful she had the vision for Unity in Naperville, and with the founding members – our very own Kim-Char being an early collaborator, and all the early supporters from those days at Gregory Middle School – we are where we are today 15 years later at 1600 Shore Road. It has been a journey, and we continue to follow the path, even as we don’t know where it will lead us. Reminds me of that saying “It’s the journey, not the destination.”
And what a journey it is. I enjoy hearing stories from that journey, As a relative newcomer since 2018, there’s way more history of this spiritual home than I have been a part of. But my 3½ years here have been so meaningful to me, and there have been many changes in that short period of time. All the classes and events that helped me to grow in my spiritual awakening, the friends I have made here, to joining the Board. Talk about learning and growing at UIN, being on the Board for the past 2 years has been eye-opening and has made me even more committed than ever before. I am grateful for the deeper relationships I have made with Rev.
Kitty and the Board members with whom I have served. There’s nothing like a common purpose to bring us together.
And what about that incredible online fundraiser Saturday night?! Did we show how committed we are to the next 15 years? Exceeding our $10K goal in a short, fun-filled, heartwarming, music-filled, sentimental journey over our first 15. And how about the future-telling of what’s in store for us in the next 15. Indeed, our future is bright and we’re all in it together.
So here’s to the next 15!! 

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