Unity in Naperville

A Spiritual Path for Conscious Living






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Unity in Naperville believes that inherent within each individual is the Divine wisdom and love to guide us through any experience in life. We also believe that there are times when a trusted companion may be needed to help draw forth that inner knowing. Spiritual counseling is meant to assist with this.

If you find yourself experiencing the grief of a loss, a major life transition, or challenges with your health, finances or relationships, you may wish to make sense of these issues from a spiritual perspective. Spiritual counseling will lead you to consider not just what is happening in your life, but what meaning it holds for you and what spiritual Truths you may draw on to support you through the experience.

Compassionate listening, safe exploration, a nurturing environment and empowering prayer are all part of the Spiritual Counseling experience. It is important to note that it is not the minister’s aim to provide answers but to encourage an awareness of your own solutions through the guidance of Spirit.

CONFIDENTIAL – Information shared during spiritual counseling is considered private and confidential.

NOT THERAPY – Spiritual counseling is provided by your minister and should NOT be considered as psychological therapy. If we feel your needs would be better served by the skills of a psychologist or other professional, qualified references will be provided. Whether or not you seek out their assistance is strictly optional.

ALL ARE WELCOME – It is not required that you be a member of Unity in Naperville in order to receive counseling, but attending services may support you greatly in your path of spiritual growth.

COST – Counseling is offered on a suggested Love Offering basis of $30-$70.

LENGTH – Designed to be short-term support. Limited to two visits.

APPOINTMENTS – are required. Please email Rev. Kitty Benson or call (630) 499-9968