Unity in Naperville

A Spiritual Path for Conscious Living






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10:45am (CT)
In-person and Livestream

1600 Shore Rd. Unit C,
Naperville, IL 60563
Phone: 630-499-9968

NOTE: We do not keep regular office hours. The building is open when we’re hosting Events. To see when the building will be open next, check the Event Calendar or email Admin@unityinnaperville.org




Unity in Naperville offers a positive, practical, and progressive approach to Christianity, where each person’s individuality is celebrated as a unique expression of God. You’ll find yourself among kind people who value open-mindedness, humor and love and are seeking to learn and practice spiritual principles that lead to a life of wholeness. Sundays are casual so dress comfortably. You’ll enter the building through our CommUnity Café so feel free to order your favorite beverage on the way in.


Though we don’t currently have a children’s program, there’s a Kids Korner in the sanctuary where they can read or draw during the Service and be close to their parent or guardian. Our content is family-friendly and we hope that youth in 4th grade or higher will find the Service engaging and may even be able to apply our teachings to their own everyday lives. We also have a Meditation Room that provides access to the livestream so if the little ones get restless you can move next door and still enjoy the service.

What to Expect

During the Service (which generally lasts 60-75 minutes), we take time to celebrate Spirit through uplifting music and inspiring lyrics. We center ourselves in God’s presence with affirmative prayer. Rev. Kitty offers a practical, positive message based on universal spiritual principles that include Jesus’ teachings, metaphysical bible interpretation, and classic and modern-day New Thought writings. We include time for guided meditation in every Service to allow each of us to have our own personal experience of the Divine within. If you feel your spirit has been nourished through the Service, you’ll have an opportunity to support Unity with a love offering. People donate through cash, checks, credit cards, or may set up a recurring gift online. Before you leave, you’ll have a chance to hear about upcoming classes, events, service projects, etc. and then you’ll have time to connect with others and enjoy refreshments in the café.


Our language may sound new to you as we explore the many ways God expresses in life…not just as Father or Him, but the Divine Feminine or All That Is. We may refer to God as Source, Spirit, Universal Mind, Christ Consciousness, Divine Love, Life, Supreme Intelligence, One Power, Principle, or One Presence.

Our Sunday messages may address physical, mental or emotional healing or life challenges that include relationships, finances, health or making decisions. Rather than a belief in the power of evil or a devil, we talk about how to transform the ego and overcome error thinking. We discuss how science and spirituality are both part of God’s One Presence and we explore how to work productively with the divine law of attraction through affirmative prayer. We “renew the mind,” as the apostle Paul wrote about, so every once in awhile we may read an affirmation aloud based on spiritual truth. Unity is known as “practical Christianity,” so you rarely leave on Sunday without practical spiritual tools to apply to your current circumstances.

Our Intention

Sundays at Unity are meant to create a safe place for you to explore God’s presence within, to learn how to overcome life’s challenges with practical spiritual principles, and to grow in expressing your own divine potential. We hope you’ll be encouraged as you connect with others of like-mind who are on a similar path. We’ll provide opportunities for you to heal your hurts, experience peace, deepen your faith, and begin your week knowing you are one with God and each other.