Unity in Naperville

A Spiritual Path for Conscious Living






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Noah and the Ark

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Genesis, Chaters 6 – 9

What does the name Noah mean? Noah means rest, calm, peace, quiet, tranquility, equilibrium. Noah typifies a consciousness at rest in God.

What does the Flood symbolize? It is the prototype of the overwhelming thoughts and feelings that in seasons of negativeness sweep over the soul and threaten to engulf it.

What does Noah’s ark symbolize? The ark symbolizes the spiritual part of us, built to override the floods of error thinking. Entering our Christ consciousness grounds us in the wisdom, presence and power of God. The ark represents the Christ center within wherein man is one with pure Being.  

Animals brought into the Ark – Groups of animals or people generally represent our thoughts. Bringing animals into the ark symbolize drawing our human thoughts away from outer influence to be refined by the inner Christ consciousness.

Explain the significance of the altar. The altar represents the place in consciousness where we are willing to give up the lower for the higher, the personal for the impersonal, the animal (human nature) for the divine.

Sample metaphysical interpretation – When we feel overwhelmed by negative thoughts (or the error consciousness of the collective human race), we become at peace by bringing our thoughts to the Christ consciousness within, raising our mind from the lower thoughts of the ego to the higher Mind of the Divine.